Sunday, October 31, 2021

Confession #1: I'm More Coffeeholic-ish


Coffee, how I love thee so. 

Gawd, did I love coffee! Once, when I lived a block away from a Starbucks, I would manage to go there on my way to work, on my lunch break, and on my way home from work. They knew me by name. It was like that old tv show "Cheers", where everyone knows your name. I'd walk in and they'd all yell, "Hello! Sandy!" It felt like home. A home I couldn't afford....and I had to cut back on my 3x's per day visits. 

I didn't discover coffee until my 20's. I was a late bloomer. The first time I had a latte, I was enamored by the fancy glass cup. However, it was an unsweetened and very serious latte. The next time I tried a latte, I hit gold, by way of a mocha. And the rest is history. 

Every vacation doesn't officially start until I have my to-go cup of coffee in my hand. It's been my caffeinated binky all social gatherings. Have nothing to say? Well busy your mouth with the sweet smooth tastes of a caramel macchiato. 

I've given up caffeine before, a few times. Still, I'd crave my faux coffee. My morning wasn't complete without a cup of hot elixir accompanying the start of my work day. 

For a couple of years now I've been having issues with sleep. And quite recently I've discovered that my chances for a full nights sleep increases when I forgo my morning cup. Slowly my morning cup of coffee has morphed into my morning cup of tea. It feels like another unfair disadvantage of aging. Greying hair, sure.... but giving up coffee?! It's just gone too far. 

So there you have it.... I'm not really a coffeeholic, it's just a leftover moniker from my previous life. The life where my knee didn't hurt, my nights were always spent sleeping, and my cup was always full. Now a days I drink my coffee on Friday and Saturday mornings, since I don't have to work the next day. Or, every single day of a vacation. Because it's not really a vacation if I don't have my precious to-go cup in hand. 

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